Dairy farming 

Dairy farming is a type of agri-business involved in the production of milk from domestic animals. The plant which processes milk and produces milk products is called a dairy plant or dairy. Animals that are used for milk production in the dairy farm are called dairy animals.


Dairy farming is an important way for farmers to increase their earnings and access to more nutritious food for their families. While subsistence dairy farming provides not only fresh milk and a source of basic income, value-added products, such as yogurt and cheese, provide a higher source of revenue

Dairying is a noteworthy wellspring of assistant pay to close to nothing/negligible farmers and agrarian specialists.

Great conditions of dairy developing 

The manure from animals gives a not too bad wellspring of the normal issue for improving soil readiness and collect yields.

The Gober gas from the manure is used as fuel for private purposes as in like manner for running engines for drawing water from well. The flood grub and plant reactions are gainfully utilized for dealing with the animals.

The little/negligible farmers and landless cultivating laborers accept a noteworthy activity in the milk-making of the country. Dairy development is by and by taking up as a central occupation around huge urban centers where the enthusiasm for milk is high.

The leading body of Diary: 

The arrangement for diary, developing should recollect information for land, animals markets, availability of water, deals with, nourishments, veterinary guide, raising workplaces, advancing points, getting ready workplaces, the experience of the farmer and such assistance open from State Government, a dairy society/affiliation/association.

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